OUT OF PRINT NEW PATTERN 2003.. swags and jabots.. window treatments A.B.C.D.E.F. bows and rosettes.. yardages and measuring instructions given for G.H.I.J. Swag and jabot A.B. will firt curtain rod 32", 40".. C.D. will fit 48"-70".; E.F. will fit 64-100"; G.H.I. will fit 36 or 48"; swag j will fit 60"; A.C.E.G.H. are 60 inches long; B.D.F.H. 36" long; I is 90" long.. G.H.I.J. are cut by suggestion, mesurements given on instruction sheet. use home decor fabrics, moire, broadcloth.. Butterick 3804 very nice window decor also have 2 in butterick 165 or 5480 same pattern different number uncut nice condition..