wow this early Barbie outfit had so many pieces. from the doll website Vintage Barbie Baby-Sits #953 (1963-1964) and (1965) Baby yes
Baby Bottle yes
Pink Bassinet yes
Floral Bassinet yes Liner yes
Blue Stripe Flannel Blanket yes
(2) White flannel diaper with pin
Pink dotted Flannel Square with blue trim pink dotted flannel square with pink trim yes
Pink Pillow yes
Brass Alarm Clock yes
Black Glasses Coke Bottle yes
Pretzel Box yes
Telephone List yes
White Telephone yes
Apron yes nice
Book Strap How To Get A Raise Book How To Loose Weight Book How To Travel Book - have the three books with the book strap is a summary of the items. this is not the complete set, we have the pink Babysitter apron in nice condition and a coke looking soda bottle. included is a How to Travel Book and How to get a raise book. the baby blanket is included also.. AND NOW have many of the completer items for this interesting vintage set. from a one owner acquisition. We now have included the white telephone. and the original blue baby blanket, the htf baby bottle. the baby doll himself. the pale pink basket.. . the floral print liner and the pink pillow. White flannel diapers with pin one on the baby and one loose.. two diapers.. brass alarm clock. too, the hard to find telephone list is included. and the hard to find pretzel box.. almost complete. just need the black rim glasses which I have with one other outfit, WE HAVE THE BOOK STRAP . voila Barbie Babysits #953 1963 to 64 FILED INV 5 2021 OK.. CLOTHING ITEMS to the USA and international
I am adding some of the following year items as well for this set.
Items Added in 1965:
White Christening Gown
White Bonnet
Blue Baby sitter’s Manual yes
Formula Recipe
Pink Bunting yes
The apron is very easy to find in mint condition. The most common problem seen with the aprons is smeared, smudged or faded printing. The other accessories can be a challenge to find! The ones added in 1965 are the most difficult to find.
i HAVE ADDED pictures of items at the end pertaining to this listing that I have extras of. for your information.
destinations need to travel by small packet airmail.