CIRCA 1973 CUTE VINYL hUMMEL GOEBEL BOY DOLL CALLED RUDI and Home from market I believe.. two Rudis in stock the other is listed separately, he has a blue hat and is 8 inches as well with a basket.. smaller doll 8 inches tall.. boy with basket, jointed legs, arms, head.. no pig in the basket.. Wearing short green mottled pants, white shirt, brown jacket, white stripe sox, brown slippers, no sticker on the bottom of slippers, .. red scarf, wicker basket on back.. and believe this young boy does not have a hat.. M.I. Hummel c W Goebel on his neck; and on body Hum 1800 c W Goebel W Germany V with stylized bee.. Gold triangle medallion on string V and stylized bee.. Hummel Werk on back.. inventory #36 1802 series.. open closed mouth, painted brown eyes, molded Hummel hair, all jointed vinyl doll... inventoried shelf 2 doll room the first pic here is #37 rudi and the other pics with dark background is #36. basket on his back, no hat, shoes with stickers, outfit etc CIRCA 1973 CUTE VINYL hUMMEL GOEBEL BOY DOLL CALLED RUDI and Home from market I believe.. smaller doll 8 inches tall.. boy with basket, jointed legs, arms, head.. no pig in the basket.. Wearing short green mottled pants, white shirt, brown jacket, white stripe sox, brown slippers, sticker on bottom of each slipper.. red scarf, wicker basket on back.. M.I. Hummel c W Goebel on his neck; and on body Hum 1800 c W Goebel W Germany V with stilized bee.. Gold medallion on string V and stylized bee.. Hummel Wek Erzeugnis on back.. inventory #37 1802 series.. on one hand he has a few marks at the end of his fingers.. and a little spot on one side of his face.. open closed mouth, painted brown eyes, molded Hummel hair, and has his traditional blue felt cap with green trim. inventoried doll rm 12 2020 OK FILED