ADORABLE AND SWEET AS i RECEIVED HER.. about 11 inches tall a beautiful Hummel girl doll called Strickliesl.. wearing a nice cotton red skirt with yellow dots print, short sleeves, with a deep purple and black overbodice top, very stiff white slip, panties, cute sox and her original brown slip on slippers.. she is MISSING NOW HER three wooden knitting needles attached to white cotton knit sock.. she has her golden medallion Tmk 5.. . .. . ..... fully jointed vinyl doll. and her trademark molded Hummel blonde hair with molded ribbons.. she has a print apron too.. inventory #23.. Series 1705 this series this doll first came out in 1955.. . this charming miss is also called Happy Pastime.... M. J. Hummel, Germany on neck.. label on dress.. this doll may be from the 1980s series or earlier.. 64-905-01-1 adorable Hummel Vinyl Doll "A Stitch In Time". Background info: Since the 1950's Hummel dolls have been produced. These dolls were originally produced with rubber heads, but changed to vinyl in 1964. Later in 1983, the porcelain-style of doll was introduced. Originally, the dolls were 16" tall and had the 'M.I. Hummel' signature incised on the back of the neck. In 1961, however, the dolls were downsized to 10", and later they range in size from 10"-16". FILED INV 1 2021 DOLL ROOM SHELF HUMMELS