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Description 5 Clown Costume Patterns for Men & Women Five Different Classic Looks! A terrific collection of classic clown costume patterns for adults! Size S, M, L New! simplicity 9800 size small to large adult. I believe I have several in stock, super thick pattern... clown costumes, hats, pants, neck ruffle. use cottons, muslin, gingham, etc.. hats also in cotton sateen, crepe de chine.. neck ruffle also in net, organdy.. small to lg. chest or bust 32 to 42 inches.. sticker rub on the back... si5 Clown Costume Patterns for Men & Women Five Different Classic Looks! A terrific collection of classic clown costume patterns for adults! Size S, M, L New! simplicity 9800 size small to large adult. I believe I have several in stock, super thick pattern... clown costumes, hats, pants, neck ruffle. use cottons, muslin, gingham, etc.. hats also in cotton sateen, crepe de chine.. neck ruffle also in net, organdy.. small to lg. chest or bust 32 to 42 inches.. sticker rub on the back... simplicity 9800 out of print.. have 6 crisp uncut ones in 9800 simplicity HAVE ONE IN SIMPLICITY 9806 same similar pattern, pattern jacket is ripped at back, super thick... filed under 9800.. last one to go... and also two crisp thick ones in 9806 adult sizing, same pattern different number... 9 in the adult sizing in total.. choose large in the menu for the adult sizing... also have 2 in children 9806 AND ONE IN SIMPLICITY 8288 sizing thick pattern size 2 to 12, chest 21 to 30 inches, and 2 in simplicity 0664 filed under 9800, for children, crisp uncut pattern.. 3 in children's choose extra small in the menu for this range. AND HAVE one more in adult sizing small, med large, simplicity 8288, such a popular design, they kept bringing it out year after year.. and have one more in children sizing 0664 or the 9806. 2 to 12 range, uncut original folds from original store.. so many clown costume patterns and have a simplicity 5740 in the individual sizing of large adults chest or bust 40 to 42 inch, if you wish this simplicity 5740 in the size large adults. have 2 uncut ones in stock, for the clown costumes and hats choose 40 in the menu for this individual adult large one. uncut nice pattern 1982. and in the 5740 have two individual children sizes uncut nice patterns if you prefer individual sizing.. for children toddler size 2 to 4 chest 53 to 58 cm, choose 2 in the menu... and 2 in children boys and girls 6 to 8, chest 64 to 69 cm, choose 6 in the menu... advise size required thank you.. these individual sizes are all simplicity 5740 nice condition uncut. and now found a similar pattern in adult small Simplicity 7649, adult small chest or bust 32,34 inches, picture attached... at least 3 in that number in adult small uncut thick and heavy... choose small in the menu.. uncut very thick. and a similar pattern different number simplicity 9579 for adult medium chest or bust 36, 38 inches. cut and checked out ok all accounted for.. choose medium in the menu for this sizing. and if all this isn't confusing enough, have a thick and heavy uncut ones bit of a sticker rub in size large adult. individual size large. chest or bust 40,42 choose 40 in the menu for this sizing. simplicity 7649