This is another fine vintage pattern circa 1950s to maybe 1960 nice condition uncut, stapled with a brass staple at the back.. Advance 9553 size 24 1/2.. , bust 45, waist 40, and hip 49 inches, 7 inches below waistline that is the very old sizing..... dress with below elbow sleeves or short sleeves... use cotton tweed, cord, gingham, polished cotton, surah, linens, rayon linen, rayon flannel, silk linen, coton or wool jersey etc.. zipper required... make the belt too.. 13 pieces.. nice condition pattern wee bit of wear.. pattern features The Bishop Method of clothing constructions. this is a very smart dress size 24 1/2.. even today.... size 24 1/2 half sizing for a lovely button bodice dress Advance 9553 wee bit of wear nice pattern. circa 50s to maybe 1960..